Librarians talking in a circle

When we all come together at the Librarians Active Learning Institute (LALI), great things can happen.

Librarians working quietly

At the Librarians Active Learning Institute -- Archives and Special Collections (LALI-ASC), participants learn and create in Rauner Special Collections Library.

Librarians working together

Creativity and collaboration are keys to success at the Librarians Active Learning Institute (LALI).

The Librarians Active Learning Institute will help you develop and refine your skills as a learner-centered teacher. Reinvigorate your teaching in a community of peers.

The next offerings of LALI is not yet scheduled.


Lali participants at tables in Rauner


If you're an academic librarian, archivist, or special collections librarian with teaching responsibilities, you should apply!

Katie Harding facilitating

Facilitators & Keynote

Our facilitators not only “talk the talk” but “walk the walk” of active learning.

An open calendar


Throughout the Institutes, participants experience, apply, and reflect on active learning pedagogy and practice.

Group of people at a table with painting


Facilitators design each multi-day institute around active learning principles and the LALI learning outcomes.

Librarians working at a table


Participants share their reflections on their LALI experiences.

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