The West End's Library

A home for collaboration and research, Feldberg Library brings together the schools and interdisciplinary programs of Dartmouth's West End.


  • Subject expert librarians
  • Bloomberg terminals
  • Large tables and individual study spaces
  • Reservable conference room

Tools & Services


Research Consultations:
For questions big or small, schedule a conversation with a subject specialist librarian

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Course Reserves:
Find course reserves for students, set up reserves for Faculty

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Request Materials:
Document delivery or books and articles through Interlibrary Loan or Borrowdirect

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Career Support:
Tools for job hunters and interview preparation

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Alumni Support: 
A selection of Library resources is available remotely to alumni

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Bloomberg Terminals:
Real-time and historical financial market and economic data

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Feldberg Stories

Summer book display images

What's On Display at Feldberg: Summer Reads

The Summer 2024 display, Summer Reads, is a combination of community favorites, best sellers, and award winners. Physical books are on our feature shelves and ebooks are linked from our display page.

The Feldbergs at Feldberg Library's dedication in 1973

About the Feldberg Business & Engineering Library

Serving Dartmouth's West End since 1973

2022-2023 Feldberg Library Annual Highlights

Feldberg Library Annual Highlights

New staff, a refreshed space, and 1,869 research questions. Check out highlights from the 2022-2023 academic year at Feldberg Library. 

Email & Phone

Feldberg Business & Engineering Library


Feldberg Business & Engineering Library

31 Murdough
Dartmouth College
Hanover, NH 03755

Our Staff

Photo of Lydia Elias
Lydia Elias
Library Collections Services Specialist
Matt Benzing 2nd Profile
Matthew M. Benzing
Research and Learning Librarian - STEM
John Cocklin photo
John Cocklin
Research & Learning Librarian - Business & Economics
photo of Alex Cabada
Alex Cabada
Head of Feldberg Library
Amelia B. Looby
Amelia B. Looby
Research & Learning Librarian - Business & Economics
photo of Crystal Schimpf
Crystal A. Schimpf
Research & Learning Librarian, Business & Economics
Jentry Campbell photo
Jentry E. Campbell
Research and Learning Librarian - STEM
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