Honor a fellow class member with a commemorative book and bookplate bearing their name for addition to the Libraries' collection.

Initiate a Class Memorial Books Program

Would you like to honor a fellow Class member? The following outlines the process.

  • Have a Class officer, serving as liaison, communicate with the Libraries about your intention to initiate the program. 
  • At this time, the Class designates an amount per book to be allocated to memorialize each classmate and forwards an initial

A Class officer, serving as liaison, communicates to the Library the intention to initiate the program. At this time, the Class designates an amount per book to be allocated to memorialize each classmate and forwards an initial check (payable to Dartmouth Libraries) to cover the cost for deceased classmates. The Library requests semi-annual reports from the Alumni Records Office and records the names of alumni to be memorialized and tracks Class contributions to the Program. As names of deceased Class members are received, the Library coordinates with the Class Treasurer to provide funds for the necessary memorial books to be assigned.  The Library can provide lists of the selected memorial books to the Class officer overseeing the program, who may then communicate this to the Class or family, as desired. If friends or family members wish to see an assigned book while visiting Hanover, it can be readily identified, since complete records of each title and the corresponding individual memorialized are maintained by the Library. Financial reports are also available to the designated Class officer upon request. Please note that while we are unable to select titles in an area of interest specific to each person memorialized, each book is chosen with careful attention to quality and content.     


In 1946, the Dartmouth Class of 1914 conceived the idea of honoring its deceased members by making funds available to Dartmouth Libraries for the purchase of books in their memory. These books would serve as a tangible representation of the ties between a Class and its members, while also creating memorials of a useful and significant nature for future generations. Each book has the particular virtue of being directly associated with Dartmouth and its active, ongoing education program. The volumes acquired are of permanent valuable character, and each carries a special bookplate bearing the name of the honored classmate.

Since its inception, 58 Dartmouth Classes have participated in the program, with over 15,000 books added to the Libraries' collection honoring Dartmouth alumni.

Alumni Memorial Book Funds

Permanent Book Endowments Several Classes have also established book endowment funds as a means of providing a perpetual memorial to the Class and as an assurance that the last surviving Class members will be memorialized.  


Please share general questions, or inquiries regarding participation in the Alumni Memorial Book Funds Program, or permanent endowments for this purpose with: 

Our Staff

Timothy M. F. Wolfe
Timothy M. F. Wolfe
Acquisitions Supervisor

Tim joined Acquisitions in 2007, and became a supervisor in 2015. In addition to serving as the team leader for the Continuing Resources Team, he manages the Alumni Memorial Book Funds Program, working with 40 alumni classes to underwrite and plate memorial titles for each of their members.

He lives in Canaan, NH with his wife, two cats, and more writing ideas than he has time to get onto paper.

6025 Baker-Berry Library, Dartmouth College
Hanover, NH 03755

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