Who We Are

Records Management's purpose is to fulfill the charge from the Dartmouth Board Records Management is responsible for the maintenance, control, and preservation of the Institution’s records. We help accelerate advanced research and amplify Dartmouth's impact across the scholarly ecosystem by managing the Institution's records and assuring that primary source research materials will be available in the Archives for future researchers.

Department Lead

Julia W. Logan

Julia W. Logan Archivist and Records Manager

Julia.W.Logan@dartmouth.edu 603-646-1829 Webster Room 007

What We Do

Record Management helps to accelerate advanced research and amplify Dartmouth's impact across the scholarly ecosystem by managing the Institution's records and assuring that primary source research materials will be available in the Archives for future researchers.

We work as a team to:

  • Classify records with regard to retention
  • Establish and approve records retention schedules
  • Establish or designate locations and methods for the proper storage of records
  • Create appropriate procedures for record access, archiving and/or destruction
  • Provide records management training for faculty and staff
  • Ensure Institutional compliance with College policies and the federal and state higher education regulatory environment (laws, regulations, statutes) for records
  • Assure the protection and privacy of organizational records (DISC section 16)
  • Help guide College faculty and staff as they make decisions regarding the proper production, maintenance and long-term use of their recorded information.

Records Management Staff

Julia W. Logan
Archivist and Records Manager
Diane L. Preston
Records Management Specialist
Vi Welker
Assistant Archivist for Records
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