Save on the cost of textbooks and access other important materials using course reserves.

stack of books in spanish language

Has your professor reserved materials for class at the Libraries? 

There are two ways to find your course reserves: 

  1. Select your course on Canvas and look under the “Library Reserves/Guides” and “Panopto Video” tabs to see all available materials on reserve.
  2. Enter your course code in Library Search. Results in Library Search are limited to books and e-books.

Check-Outs and Returns

When you know what you need, ask for it by course code and the author of the item at the Circulation Desk of Baker-Berry, Dana, Feldberg, or Matthews-Fuller.

  • Three items from reserves may be borrowed at once.
  • Reserve items have a shortened loan time of two, four, or 24-hours.
    • Items with a two or four hour loan time that are checked out within two or four hours of the library’s closing are due a half-hour after the opening of the library the following morning.
  • Reserves must be returned to the same circulation desk they were checked out from, not a book drop.


You share course reserves with your classmates. Respect to your peers by returning reserves as soon as you're finished with them.

Overdue Fees

$1.00 per hour, per item.

  • Items due prior to the library’s closing and not returned on time are charged fines for the overnight hours.
  • Items due at the opening of the library have a half-hour grace period before overdue fees are charged.

Waitlists at Baker-Berry

If a classmate is already using an item at Baker-Berry, add your name to a waitlist at the circulation desk. You'll receive an email notification when the item becomes available again. 

Please pick up the item within 30 minutes from when we send you the notification.

Questions About Reserves?

Contact one of our circulation desk by email or phone.

Baker-Berry Library (Arts and Sciences)

Health Sciences and Biomedical Libraries (Geisel)

Submit our web form

Feldberg Business and Engineering Library (Tuck and Thayer)

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