Access the Libraries from wherever you are.
When off-campus, it's best to start your search on the Dartmouth Libraries Homepage or Library Search. This way, you can see what's available through our collections and access materials in the same place.
Before you can access resources through Library Search, you'll need to provide your NetID or library card details. This confirms your affiliation with the Libraries and grants you access. Ask us if you need help connecting to resources.
Virtual Private Network
Dartmouth's VPN connects your computer to the Dartmouth network. This allows you to access most library services as if you were on campus. Some library services require connection to Dartmouth's VPN, such as streaming video.
We provide access to many of our online resources through a tool called EZproxy. When you click on a library resource that uses EZproxy, it will check if you're logged in (with your NetID and password). Once you are, it will send you directly to the resource. Generally, this is a seamless process, and you won't notice that EZproxy is helping you gain access.
If you do have a problem accessing online resources, please contact us.
Browser Extensions
A library browser extension can tell you if the Libraries have access to (and can connect you to) a resource found online. This is helpful when searching outside of Library Search.
Logging In For Specific Groups
Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center
Secure Access allows DHMC users to connect to various Dartmouth Hitchcock computer applications, like the Biomedical Libraries Information Resources, when you're not in the office.
Tuck Business School
Tuck users can access Feldberg Business & Engineering Library Resources via Tuck Connect.
As a Dartmouth alum, you have access to a selection of databases, full-text journals, magazines, and newspapers. Accessing these resources is slightly different from how active students or faculty access our materials. Refer to the For Alums page for all the details.
If you're not sure of your affiliation, please refer to our Borrowing Policies.