The maintenance and control of Dartmouth's records is an institutional responsibility: learn why and how.

boxes of official Dartmouth Records in storage at the LCSF

Our Responsibility

The Records Management team provides guidance and support to faculty and staff to help ensure that College records are created, maintained, disseminated and destroyed in a manner consistent with legal and regulatory requirements, industry standards, and College policies.

We assist departments and offices with:

  • Filing plans and retention schedule development
  • Physical records storage, retrieval, and destruction
  • Monthly confidential shred
  • Training
  • Shared drive file management
  • Developing filing systems and file-naming conventions

All College records are the property of the Dartmouth College Trustees. This means that while we refer to records as belonging to us, or to a particular office or department, they are all part of the College record and must be treated as such.

In short, we’re here to help staff and faculty with any record-related questions, whether you are trying to manage legacy paper files or are struggling to organize your office's shared drive. Contact Records Management to set up an appointment, training session, or for any questions regarding our services. 

Confidential Monthly Destruction

Dartmouth provides a complimentary shredding service for confidential materials.

Training Resources

The Records Management team offers online and in-person training for College offices and departments to ensure proper and consistent record keeping practices in compliance with College policies. Email Records Management to schedule a training.

Records Management Policy Committee

The Records Management Policy Committee is a broadly representative body tasked by Dartmouth Libraries, as representative of the Board of Trustees, to advise, assist, and support the development and maintenance of a comprehensive records management program at Dartmouth. This committee approves all retention schedules as well.  

The committee includes representatives from the following departments:

  • Special Collections
  • Records Management
  • Dartmouth Libraries
  • ITC
  • HR
  • OGC
  • Controller
  • Advancement
  • Risk Management

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Records Management

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