The General Retention Schedule (GRS) provides guidance on how long different types of commonly used records must be retained and if records should be destroyed or transferred to the Archives once the retention periods have ended. For assistance with records specific to your office or department, please email Records Management.
Find out more about retention and disposition.

Personnel Records

Schedule Number

Lab 800 ( "Personnel file" as used in RSA 275:56 means any personnel records created and maintained by an employer and pertaining to an employee including and not limited to employment applications, internal evaluations, disciplinary documentation, payroll records, injury reports and performance assessments, whether maintained in one or more locations, unless such records are exempt from disclosure under RSA 275:56, III or are otherwise privileged or confidential by law. The term does not include recommendations, peer evaluations or notes not generated or created by the employer.        

Record HolderRetention PeriodDisposition
Official Copy
Human Resources

Date of employee separation + 7 years

Confidential destruction
Administrative Copy

Until Administrative Need is Satisfied not to exceed Date of Employee separation + 1 year

Confidential destruction

8 CFR § 274.2; 29 CFR § 825.500, §1602, §1627; EEOC, Technical Assistance Manual: Title 1 of the ADA, section 6.5, New Hampshire RSA 275:56 and Labor Regulations 802.08.


Employee Records Policy


Pre-Employment Records

Schedule Number

Pre-employment or search records may include, but are not limited to, resumes/CV, employment applications, recommendation letter(s), recruitment requests, W4, and other related documents.

Record HolderRetention PeriodDisposition
Official Copy
Human Resources

Date search complete + 3 years

Confidential destruction
Administrative Copy

Until Administrative Need is Satisfied not to exceed 3 years

Confidential destruction

15 USC § 1681P, 29 CFR § 1602, 1627


Employee Payroll and Time Tracking Records

Schedule Number

These records document student and staff hours worked. These records may include time cards, time sheets, Kronos timesheets submitted electronically, garnishment accounting, garnishment orders, payroll checks, payroll history, payroll records, and payroll registers.

Record HolderRetention PeriodDisposition
Official Copy
Finance Division

Creation date + 7 years

Confidential destruction
Administrative Copy

Until Administrative Need is Satisfied not to exceed 1 year

Confidential destruction

29 U.S.C. § 1027; 26 CFR §301.6501(a)-1; 29 CFR § 516, § 825.500, §1602, § 1620, §1627; 430 CMR §5.01; 830 CMR 62C.25.1


International Scholar and Staff Immigration Records

Schedule Number

OVIS is responsible for institutional compliance with government regulations relating to the admission or hiring of international students, scholars and staff, including management of the Student & Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) for data tracking, reporting and overall compliance. In these roles OVIS acts as liaison for the institution to the U.S. Departments of Homeland Security, State, and Labor. Documents may include, but are not limited to, visa certificates (DS-2019s), passport and visa copies, I-94 admission records, change of status notices, labor condition applications, employment authorization documents, USCIS applications and notices, and other supporting documents including internal data collection forms, invitation and employment letters, wage determinations, and other related records.

Record HolderRetention PeriodDisposition
Official Copy
Office of Visa and Immigration Services (OVIS)

Date file closed + 10 years

Confidential destruction

34 CFR, Pub. L. 101–649, title II, §221, Nov. 29, 1990, 104 Stat. 5027 , as amended by Pub. L. 102–232, title III, §303(b)(1), (2), Dec. 12, 1991, 105 Stat. 1748 ; Pub. L. 103–416, title II, §215(a), Oct. 25, 1994, 108 Stat. 4315, 8 USC 1184


Admission Records

Schedule Number

A student's admission record refers to any documentation the school used to make an admission decision on admitting the student into its program of study.

Record HolderRetention PeriodDisposition
Official Copy
Admissions & Financial Aid

Matriculation date + 4 years

Confidential destruction
Administrative Copy
Individual Offices

Until Administrative Need is Satisfied not to exceed 1 year

Confidential destruction



Financial Aid Records

Schedule Number

A record of scholarship funds awarded to students through the Financial Aid office. May include administrative requirements for the scholarship, correspondence, lists of recipients, etc.

Record HolderRetention PeriodDisposition
Official Copy
Admissions & Financial Aid

Last contact date or separation date + 3 years

Confidential destruction
Administrative Copy
Individual Offices

Until Administrative Need is Satisfied not to exceed 1 year

Confidential destruction

34 CFR


Student Academic Record

Schedule Number

An institutionally-certified record of a student's performance and course(s) of study at Dartmouth College.

Record HolderRetention PeriodDisposition
Official Copy
Office of the Registrar


Transfer to College Archives
Administrative Copy
Office or Committee of Origin

Until Administrative Need is Satisfied not to exceed 1 year

Confidential destruction



Student Employee Personnel, Payroll, and Time Tracking Records

Schedule Number

These records document student hours worked. These records may include time cards, time sheets, Kronos timesheets submitted electronically, garnishment accounting, garnishment orders, payroll checks, payroll history, payroll records, and payroll registers.

Record HolderRetention PeriodDisposition
Official Copy
Student Employment Office

Graduation or separation date + 1 year

Confidential destruction
Administrative Copy
Individual Offices

Until Administrative Need is Satisfied not to exceed 1 year

Confidential destruction

34 CFR


Accounts Payable

Schedule Number

These records document an office’s expenditures and purchases. These records may include, but are not limited to, departmental purchase orders, credit card charge slips and statements (including P-Card transactions), bills, invoices, journal vouchers, justifications of purchases, payment authorizations, reports of receipt of goods or services, and receipts.

Record HolderRetention PeriodDisposition
Official Copy
Finance Division

Creation date + 7 years

Confidential destruction
Administrative Copy
Individual Offices

Until Administrative Need is Satisfied not to exceed 1 year

Confidential destruction

Accounts Receivable

Schedule Number

These records are used by  offices to document billing and collection activities. These records may include, but are not limited to, account edit sheets,invoices, journal vouchers, checks, and receipts.

Record HolderRetention PeriodDisposition
Official Copy
Finance Division

Creation date + 7 years

Confidential destruction
Administrative Copy

Until Administrative Need is Satisfied not to exceed 1 year

Confidential destruction


Schedule Number

These records provide a record of departmental fiscal activity presented in summary form which may be used for budget planning. These records may be used to analyze budget cuts or restructuring of programs. These records may include, but are not limited to, working papers, memorandums, final summary reports and spreadsheets, and related documentation and correspondence.

Record HolderRetention PeriodDisposition
Official Copy
Finance Division

Creation date + 7 years

Confidential destruction
Administrative Copy

Until Administrative Need is Satisfied not to exceed 1 year

Confidential destruction


Schedule Number

These records include, but are not limited to, deposit and withdrawal records, bank
statements and reconciliations, voided and canceled checks.

Record HolderRetention PeriodDisposition
Official Copy
Finance Division

Creation date + 7 years

Confidential destruction
Administrative Copy

Until Administrative Need is Satisfied not to exceed 1 year

Confidential destruction

Research Data

Schedule Number

Research data generated while individuals are pursuing research studies as faculty, staff, or students of Dartmouth, and data generated by visiting scholars utilizing the facilities of Dartmouth , are to be retained by the institution for a period of three (3) years after submission of the final report on the research project for which the data were collected, unless a longer period is specified by the sponsor.

Record HolderRetention PeriodDisposition
Official Copy
Office of Sponsored Projects (OSP)

3 years after submission of the final report

Confidential destruction
Administrative Copy

Until Administrative Need is Satisfied not to exceed 1 year

Shred, Recycle, or Delete as Appropriate

Electronic Communications

Schedule Number

Email, Texts, IMs, and Other Electronic Communications
As with any other kind of record, the retention period for these types of electronic messages is based on the content of each individual message.

The vast majority of messages sent and received have a transactional value. They may request or provide information but don’t serve any legal or financial purpose for the College. You may delete transactional messages as soon as a reply is given/received or as soon as you no longer need it for reference.

  • Routine replies/requests for information
  • Messages used to set-up or accept meetings
  • Announcements/Acknowledgements
  • Automated notifications

Messages that inform decision-making or could potentially be relied upon legally or financially are substantive and must be retained as per the General Retention Schedule. Examples of substantive records include, but are not limited to:

  • Policy and procedure directives
  • Legal or audit issues
  • Approvals for purchases, HR decisions, or other actions to be taken
  • Final reports or recommendations
  • Grievances, disciplinary actions, and petitions/waivers
  • Documentation of departmental/office actions, decisions, operations and responsibilities


Record HolderRetention PeriodDisposition
Administrative Copy
Staff & Faculty Members

See description

Shred, Recycle, or Delete as Appropriate

Extracted Data

Schedule Number

Documents derived from a master file or database in the form of statistics, reports, hard copy printouts, mailing lists,  auto-generated notifications and reminders, etc. Includes emails.  These records will be visible and accessible for their full retention period in the system of record and can be reprinted as needed.

Record HolderRetention PeriodDisposition
Administrative Copy
Staff & Faculty Members

Until Administrative Need is Satisfied

Shred, Recycle, or Delete as Appropriate

Meeting Minutes

Schedule Number

A record of actions and decisions of committees, councils, faculty and staff meetings.  Includes minutes, agendas, notes, reports, etc. These records document the orders of business and proceedings of meetings held by departments, offices and other entities.A record of actions and decisions of committees, councils, faculty and staff meetings.  Includes minutes, agendas, notes, reports, etc. These records document the orders of business and proceedings of meetings held by departments, offices and other entities.

Record HolderRetention PeriodDisposition
Administrative Copy
Office or Committee of Origin

Until Administrative Need is Satisfied not to exceed 5 years

Consult Archives

Annual Reports

Schedule Number

Annual Reports include, but are not limited to, summaries of accomplishments, goals, statistics, awards received, anticipated program needs and plans, supporting documentation, etc.

Record HolderRetention PeriodDisposition
Administrative Copy
Office or Committee of Origin

Creation date + 5 years

Consult Archives


Schedule Number

Records relating to the administrative arrangements for setting up meetings.  Includes requests for agenda items, announcements of meetings, related correspondence/communications, and calendar invitations/responses..

Record HolderRetention PeriodDisposition
Administrative Copy
Office or Committee of Origin

Until Administrative Need is Satisfied not to exceed 5 years

Shred, Recycle, or Delete as Appropriate


Schedule Number

Communications and postings that do not relate to the functional responsibility of an office (i.e., announcements of meetings, reservations, confirmations, itineraries, acknowledgements, form-letter thank you notes, etc.).

Record HolderRetention PeriodDisposition
Administrative Copy
Office or Committee of Origin

Until Administrative Need is Satisfied not to exceed 5 years

Shred, Recycle, or Delete as Appropriate

Photographs and Recordings

Schedule Number

Still and moving images provide audio-visual documentation of College activities, events, students, faculty, and staff. Still and moving images include fully identified photographs in print, negative, and slide formats; video recordings; film; and audio recordings in all formats.

Record HolderRetention PeriodDisposition
Administrative Copy
Office or Committee of Origin

Until Administrative Need is Satisfied not to exceed 5 years

Consult Archives

Event Records

Schedule Number

These records document events and event planning. These records may include but are not limited to notes, vendor information and correspondence, event programs and publicity, attendance data, correspondence, and accounts payable records.

Record HolderRetention PeriodDisposition
Administrative Copy
Office or Committee of Origin

Until Administrative Need is Satisfied not to exceed 5 years

Shred, Recycle, or Delete as Appropriate


Schedule Number

A waiver is the voluntary relinquishment of a known right and is executed prior to an activity. Waivers are requested of participants in voluntary activities that involve physical activity/sports, exposure to the elements, lab exposures, etc.

Record HolderRetention PeriodDisposition
Administrative Copy
Office or Committee of Origin

Creation date + 4 years

Confidential destruction

Speeches and Presentations

Schedule Number

These may include, but are not limited to, texts, slide presentations, or recordings of speeches and presentations.

Record HolderRetention PeriodDisposition
Administrative Copy
Office or Committee of Origin

Until Administrative Need is Satisfied not to exceed 5 years

Shred, Recycle, or Delete as Appropriate

Project Files

Schedule Number

These files are usually an assembled mix of document types about a topic, project, or entity.These files are usually an assembled mix of document types about a topic, project, or entity.

Record HolderRetention PeriodDisposition
Administrative Copy
Office or Committee of Origin

Until Administrative Need is Satisfied not to exceed 5 years

Shred, Recycle, or Delete as Appropriate

Advising Records

Schedule Number

Records used to monitor student academic progress. May include transcripts from transfer institutions, learning contracts for independent study, research or internship credits, grade reports, study abroad files, etc.

Record HolderRetention PeriodDisposition
Official Copy
Faculty Member(s)

Graduation date + 3 years or 7 years after last student activity

Confidential destruction

Graded Material

Schedule Number

Graded material includes, but is not limited to, examinations, papers, presentations, etc.

Record HolderRetention PeriodDisposition
Official Copy
Faculty Member(s)

End of term + 1 year

Confidential destruction
Administrative Copy
Office or Committee of Origin

Until Administrative Need is Satisfied not to exceed 1 year

Confidential destruction



Promotion and Tenure

Schedule Number

Including, but not limited to, Faculty Record Supplement, Grant Proposal, Instructor PhD Completion Letter, Named Chair Appointment Letter, Appointment Letter, Appointment Request Letter, Award Acceptance Letter, Award Application, Award Denial Letter, CAP Action Letter, CAP Candidate Statement, CAP Confidential Signature Page, CAP Department Letter, CAP Department Roster, CAP List of Reviewers, CAP Trustee Approval Letter

Record HolderRetention PeriodDisposition
Official Copy
Dean of the Faculty

Employee separation date + 7 years

Confidential destruction
Administrative Copy
Office or Committee of Origin

Until Administrative Need is Satisfied not to exceed 1 year

Confidential destruction


Schedule Number

The following materials are considered to have no administrative, legal, financial or archival requirements for their retention. Non-records include, but are not limited to, templates, blank forms, drafts, published material, non-work related emails, and duplicated material.

Record HolderRetention PeriodDisposition
Administrative Copy
Staff & Faculty Members

Until Administrative Need is Satisfied

Shred, Recycle, or Delete as Appropriate
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