Dartmouth's physical and digital map collections are available for your next research project!

Maps and posters on drawers

In the Evans Map Room, explore a collection of over 155,000 sheet maps and 2,000 atlases, books, journals, globes, aerial photos, and more. We also house some maps received through US Federal and Canadian depository programs, map reference materials, works on cartography, and gazetteers.

Besides representing the shape of the land and sea on our planet, a map can show natural phenomena: rocks, soil, climate, ocean currents, wildlife, vegetation; or man-made/man-related features: roads, buildings, population, disease, agriculture, industry, religion, political boundaries, government.

A map is similar to a graph, with statistics and comparisons instantly visualized. Maps are not confined, however, to coverage of the earth. One can find charts or maps of the moon, Mars, Mercury, the heavens, the land of Oz, or Dante's hell.

A Unique Focus

Although the collection is international in scope, it has particular geographical emphasis for:

  • Hanover and environs
  • New Hampshire and Vermont
  • New England region
  • Northeastern States (New England plus New York, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey)
  • Polar Regions

The System

The Evans Map Room houses resources in the following Library of Congress classifications:

  • G 1001 - G 3102: Atlases (bound collections of maps)
  • G 3160 - G 9999: Maps (representations, usually on a flat surface, of the whole or part of an area)

Are you searching for researchers on cartography or the history of cartography? The Libraries shelve most of these books in the Baker-Berry main stacks.