We're always looking to expand our digital collections. We’d love to hear your ideas and discuss potential collaborations. Every project starts with a conversation.

Have a project idea?

Does the project align with our Collection Development Policy?

  • We will work with collaborators to design projects that align with the scope, values, and selection criteria and priorities outlined in DxDL's Collection Development Policy.
  • Current areas of focus include Arctic and Antarctic materials, indigenous materials (in partnership with the Hood Museum of Art), and materials related to the history of Dartmouth College.
  • We are also interested in projects that build on existing collections. Explore our collections to learn more.

Does the project fit our long-term digital preservation goals?

Do we have the legal and ethical right to make this collection available digitally?

  • Items in DxDL collections are generally assigned a Creative Commons (CC-BY or CC-0) license. Rights in works of authorship are generally retained by those who create them; Dartmouth does not claim rights of ownership except in circumstances outlined in the Intellectual Property policy. For further help or questions on copyright, please contact the Library's Scholarly Communication Program.
  • We also consider what rights the Dartmouth Library, as an institution, has to freely distribute the material. Even if we have clear rights to publish the material, or if it is in the public domain, we consider what other communities might have a stronger cultural or moral right to determine whether the material should be made available, and how access should be mediated.

Note: DxDL does not administer or manage licensed materials such as databases of electronic journals, ebooks, or other purchased library resources. Please contact the Dartmouth Library's Collections Program for more information about subscriptions to licensed materials.

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