We are awash with data. Eighty percent of that data is unstructured, and that number is growing between 55 and 65% annually. Case in point, in 2022, 500 hours of video content were uploaded to YouTube every minute. Much of this unstructured data is text or “natural language” data. “Text” includes, but is by no means limited to, websites, blogs, social media posts, research papers, news articles, and transcripts. Approximately three-quarters of all digital data is recorded in the form of unstructured texts.

Dartmouth Libraries website’s last major iteration was seven years ago. Since then, the Libraries’ role in research, teaching, and learning at Dartmouth and beyond has dramatically changed. With ever-shifting landscapes in technology, particularly cloud computing and artificial intelligence, the research lifecycle and publishing, federal research mandates, accessibility standards, and a growing demand for seamless digital experiences, we knew a more robust and future-ready website was needed.

From October 21 through 25, Dartmouth Libraries are hosting a series of events as part of International Open Access Week. This event brings together universities, research institutes, and publishers committed to “Community over Commercialization,” prioritizing “approaches to open scholarship that serve the best interests of the public and the academic community.”

When you think of the word “design,” what do you imagine? City planners choosing the layout of a city or roadway network? Maybe it’s trying to figure out the best shape and material for the ultimate water bottle? For some people, when they think of design, they think of project-based collaborations and human-centered co-design, and human-centered design thinking.

But what is human-centered co-design and design thinking?

Whether you’re a first year student or a seasoned graduate, there's always more to discover about your Libraries! Take your Dartmouth experience to the next level with these 11 hacks.

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