Rauner Library is Dartmouth's home for rare books, manuscripts, and archives.

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Special rare books in Rauner Library

Focused Research Guides

The following guides on popular research topics provide a starting point for exploration and advice about search methodology. Follow a link to begin your research journey.

*Some of these are still under development and not yet available. For further assistance, reach out to our reference staff.

Collections Care

Dartmouth Libraries prioritizes collections care and ensures the longevity of and accessibility to its diverse archival and library materials by maintaining meticulous environmental controls, treating fragile and rare items, consulting on storage practices, and providing preservation trainings for staff.


The impact of private collectors and institutions on the Dartmouth College Library’s collections cannot be overstated. Rauner Special Collections Library has benefited from notable collectors like Herbert West, Allerton Hickmott, and Mark Lansburgh, as well as contributions from the Pilobolus Dance Theater and many other Friends of the Libraries. Without these generous donations, the Library would not have its impressive holdings and invaluable resources that support the College's educational mission.

Collection Development Policies

Stewarded by an expert team of librarians and archivists, Rauner Library houses over 140,000 rare books, millions of individual manuscripts, and the extensive Dartmouth Archives. The team partners with students, faculty, staff, and the archive-curious at Dartmouth — and around the globe — to accelerate research, advance scholarship, and support teaching. Come explore the past with an eye towards the future! Noteworthy collection items include the personal papers of Robert Frost, Shakespeare’s First Folio from 1623, medieval Books of Hours, and a copy of the first Bible printed in the American colonies.