Over 1,200 images primarily from the Canadian Arctic Expedition (1913-1918), and 700 lantern slides.

image of an Arctic landscape

Vilhjalmur Stefansson (1879-1962) was an Arctic explorer, promoter, and teacher who made expeditions above the Arctic Circle between 1906 and 1918. The Stefansson Collection of Photographs consists of over 1,200 black-and-white images primarily from the Canadian Arctic Expedition (1913-1918). Images dating between 1913 and 1916 were taken by C.A.E. photographer Sir George Hubert Wilkins. Stefansson also lectured internationally on the subject of Arctic exploration and culture, using this collection of over 700 lantern slides to illustrate his lectures. Included are images of flora and fauna, landscapes, ice formations, boats, indigenous housing, clothing, hunting and fishing practices, as well as many individuals. In addition, there are some slides from Stefansson's 1923 trip to Australia and French Polynesia, as well as images of Stefansson teaching in Dartmouth College's Northern Studies Program.

Stefansson's original documentation from his expeditions includes diaries, notes, scientific experiments, letters, and photographs, which are available for use at Rauner Special Collections Library. Information about the collection is available in the full archival finding aid. Additional descriptions are available in the full archival finding aids for the photographs and lantern slides.


Dartmouth College Library assigns a Creative Commons BY-NC license to the digital work and associated web site.

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