Photos by College Photographers Adrian N. Bouchard; Stuart Bratesman; Joseph Mehling; and Eli Burakian.

images of a bonfire and a winter scene from the Dartmouth Photo Records

The Photographic Records Catalog contains details about the thousands of images created by College Photographers Adrian N. Bouchard (1938-1976); Stuart Bratesman (1985-1993); Joseph Mehling (1993-2011); and Eli Burakian (2011-present). This photographic record of Dartmouth College life is maintained by the Photographic Records section of Rauner Special Collections Library.

Another Dartmouth collection of photographs across the decades, indexed thematically, can be found here: Dartmouth Photographic Files. See also the Dartmouth College Flickr photostream.


Dartmouth College Library assigns a Creative Commons BY-NC license to the digital work and associated web site.