Elizabeth A. Shand

Liz holds a B.A. in English and Art History from Vassar College, and a Ph.D. in English & Comparative Literature from The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. At UNC, she also earned a certificate in Digital Humanities from the UNC Graduate School, and worked as a Project Supervisor for the William Blake Archive. Her research examines the ways that material interactions with manuscript and print — cutting and pasting, annotating, printing, binding, and more — functions as a means of authority for those outside of traditional intellectual circles. Although her research has focused largely on the nineteenth century, she is interested in book history and media studies, more broadly. Liz's work has appeared or is forthcoming in Literature in Transition: 1880–1920; Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature; The Coleridge Bulletin; Brontë Studies; and Victorian Literature and Culture, among other outlets.

Digital Collections Librarian
Digital by Dartmouth Library

Liz holds a B.A. in English and Art History from Vassar College, and a Ph.D. in English & Comparative Literature from The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. At UNC, she also earned a certificate in Digital Humanities from the UNC Graduate School, and worked as a Project Supervisor for the William Blake Archive. Her research examines the ways that material interactions with manuscript and print — cutting and pasting, annotating, printing, binding, and more — functions as a means of authority for those outside of traditional intellectual circles. Although her research has focused largely on the nineteenth century, she is interested in book history and media studies, more broadly. Liz's work has appeared or is forthcoming in Literature in Transition: 1880–1920; Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature; The Coleridge Bulletin; Brontë Studies; and Victorian Literature and Culture, among other outlets.

Contact me about: Digital Humanities, Digital Publishing, Text Encoding & Markup TEI
photo of Liz Shand
Office: Baker, Room 002