

The Book Arts Prize Competition is a juried award given every year in recognition of excellence in the creation of a hand printed and bound book, letterpress printed piece, or hand binding made in the Book Arts Workshop at Dartmouth Libraries. The prizes are made possible by the generous support of the Friends of the Library. Prizes will be awarded in the following categories:

Book Arts Grand Prize

A $500 cash prize will be awarded to any original book made by a current Dartmouth College undergraduate or graduate student that combines letterpress printing and hand bookbinding. The book should be printed (at least partially) in the Letterpress Studio and bound in the Open Studio sessions at the Book Arts Workshop. The book may be a project made for a curricular course or as an extra-curricular project.

Letterpress Printing Prize

A $150 cash prize will be given for the best example of letterpress printing created and produced in the Letterpress Studio of the Book Arts Workshop by a current Dartmouth College undergraduate or graduate student. Submissions may be a single broadside (minimum dimensions 11" x 17") or a collection of at least 3 printed items, either related thematically or unrelated. The print or prints may be from a curricular or extra-curricular project.

Hand Bookbinding Prize

A $150 cash prize will be given for the best example of a hand bound book created and produced in the Open Studio sessions by a current Dartmouth College undergraduate or graduate student. The book may contain blank, letterpress printed, or pre-printed pages. The text will be judged only in how the content relates to the binding style and materials used. Entries may not include instructional models made in curricular or Book Arts Workshop classes.

Artist Book

A $150 cash prize will be given for the best example of a book that expresses and/or challenges the book form. It must have been created and produced in the Book Arts Workshop by a current Dartmouth College undergraduate or graduate student.


A $150 cash prize will be given for the best example of a book or zine created expressly to communicate with as large an audience as possible, cheaply and outside traditional publishing methods. May be created with analog methods or digitally. Must be an edition of at least 10. It must have been created and produced with assistance from the Book Arts Workshop by a current Dartmouth College undergraduate or graduate student.

prints and artist books dispalyed on a table

Community Excellence

The Book Arts Workshop at Dartmouth Libraries is fortunate to enjoy the participation of a local community of bookbinders, printers, and book artists. The Book Arts Workshop will offer a cash prize of $150 to this part of our constituency in recognition of excellence in book arts. Submission may take any one of the following forms:

  • Original book printed in the Letterpress Studio and hand bound in Open Studios.
  • Letterpress Broadside (minimum dimensions 11" x 17")
  • Collection of at least three printing items either related thematically or unrelated.
  • Hand bound book, either blank, letterpress printed, or digitally printed pages. Entries may not include instructional models made in Book Arts Workshop classes.
  • Artist Book example of a book that expresses and/or challenges the book form.

All entries must be an original project conceived of and produced in the Workshop studios.


The contest is limited to undergraduate and graduate students of Dartmouth College or members of the community as noted. The entry must be completed between May 31, 2023 and May 28, 2024.  Prize winners must have distributed their type before any prize will be awarded.

NOTE: All prize winning pieces will be displayed throughout the following summer and fall terms.


Entries are due by 5:00pm, Tuesday, May 28, 2024. Bring entries to the Library Book Arts Workshop, Baker Library Room 25. Submission forms are available in the Book Arts Workshop or may be downloaded.

For more information contact us at book.arts@dartmouth.edu or visit us in the Book Arts Workshop, Baker-Berry Library.