Spotlighting stories and sharing news from across our Libraries and the Dartmouth Community

a laser beams into a 16th century manuscript as part of the raman spectroscopy process
Accelerate, Elevate, Empower
Dr Jack Turco left holds a safe sex pamphlet at a Dartmouth talk in 1980s with Dr Joe O'Donnell
Amplify, Elevate, Empower
este pope
Accelerate, Amplify, Elevate
students from the 2023 Dartmouth x Fulbright University Vietnam immersion
Achievements, Elevate, Empower
image of Noah Skogerboe working with his media equipment in Jones Media Center
Amplify, Elevate, Our People
photo of the panel session celebrating Edward Mitchell
Community, Elevate, Empower
Design Corps students prototype
Accelerate, Community, Elevate, Empower
Helmut Baer left and Oleg Timoshenko right smile at the camera
Accelerate, Elevate, Empower, Our People
writing by Edward Mitchell
Amplify, Elevate, Empower
Val Werner left and Sydney Hoose '25 right
Accelerate, Elevate, Empower
Dartmouth students practice tango in the summer term class, Tango Argentino
Community, Elevate, Empower, Stories
Kris Ayers uses the forklift in the LCSF to access collections up to 30ft high
Accelerate, Achievements, Elevate
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