Ann (XiaoHua) has been in the Metadata and Catalog Service Department since December of 2021. Her work includes cataloging and maintenance of books, such as relocation, replacement, the treatment of analytic records and correction of Dewey records etc. Originally came from Wuhan, China and has lived in the Upper Valley for long time. After work she enjoys singing, Chinese dancing, and is learning how to play piano.
XiaoHua Deng
Metadata Specialist
Cataloging and Metadata Services
Ann (XiaoHua) has been in the Metadata and Catalog Service Department since December of 2021. Her work includes cataloging and maintenance of books, such as relocation, replacement, the treatment of analytic records and correction of Dewey records etc. Originally came from Wuhan, China and has lived in the Upper Valley for long time. After work she enjoys singing, Chinese dancing, and is learning how to play piano.
Office: Baker, Room 011