Borrowing Policies Details

Information by audience type on what you can borrow, which services you can use, fines and more.

Borrowing Materials

You need a Dartmouth ID or library card to check out material. Any users, regardless of their position at the College, will be refused the opportunity to check material out without ID. IDs and library cards are not transferable. Faculty members or APIs who would like to authorize a research assistant to borrow library materials may do so at any Circulation Desk.

Library Loan Policies

Faculty, staff, students and alumni can borrow most circulating materials for 365 days. The exceptions are equipment and reserves. Guest borrowers and other users not affiliated with Dartmouth have a 28-day loan period. 


Most items may be renewed as many times as needed via phone, email, in person, or by signing into your Library Search account. (Exceptions include recalls, course reserves and non-print materials. These must be physically returned.)


You may request a recall at any Circulation Desk. We will notify the current user, and once it has been returned we will send you a hold pick-up notice. Books are eligible for recall after 14 days, journals after one day. Items recalled by reserve services are due immediately. Resource sharing (BorrowDirect and Interlibrary Loan) items are due in five days. Failure to return items promptly may result in blocked privileges. Return items or we will charge you $1.00 per day, per item. Recalled items cannot be renewed. This is a year-round policy. To avoid overdue fines and/or blocked accounts return all items before you leave campus


Faculty, Visiting Faculty, Staff and Students
Employee Families
Retired Staff
Visiting Scholars/Courtesy Appointments
Osher@Dartmouth Students and Instructors
Local High School Students
Guest Borrower
Corporate Guest Borrower
Friends of the Dartmouth College Library

Contact the Circulation Desks

Baker-Berry & Sherman: 603-646-2567;
Feldberg: 603-646-2191

Biomedical Libraries Policies

Dana Circulation: 603-646-0516;
Matthews-Fuller Circulation: 603-646-0547;

Evans Map Room Policies


Jones Media Center Policies

  • DVDs, VHS, CDs, CDRom, VCD, etc can borrow for 365 days.
  • OTC & Pro Equipment: 3 days, $20/day late fines,(limit based on need)
  • Tabletop & Video Games: 7 days, $5/day late fines
  • Game consoles: 7 days, $20/day


Rauner Special Collections
