Data Management Planning

Data management plans are critical for compliance on most sponsored projects, and will save you time and resources throughout your project.

Create a data management plan with the DMPTool

The DMPTool is on online tool to help you write a data management plan using templates with specific funder requirements.  Select "Get Started", locate Dartmouth in the pull down menu, and access Dartmouth specific information and help, along with templates from funding agencies, models and advice.

There are many resources available to assist you in writing your plan.

Meet funder requirements

Federal funding agencies with budgets over $100 million in R&D are now required to put in place systems that will provide public access to the results of funded research.

Research sponsors have very different requirements so it’s best verify requirements at the agency level, from your specific directorate, or to look for information on your RFP.

SPARC’s (the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition)  Data Sharing Requirements by Federal Agency is a community resource for tracking, comparing, and understanding both current and future U.S. federal funder research data sharing policies.

Two initiatives have begun to address implementation of funding agencies requirements:

  • SHARE  - free and open dataset about research and scholarly activities
  • CHORUS - agencies and publishers deliver public access to published articles

OSTP Directive: Expanding Public Access to the Results of Federally Funded Research  and the OSTP Memorandum provide background materials from the open meetings on the implementation of public access to sponsored research.

Request a DMP review

We help faculty, student, and staff researchers to craft their DMPs and consult on best practices on managing, storing, and sharing your research data.  

For help with your DMP or to request a review, email us at