Library staff are here to help you access the resources you need to be successful with your courses, whether in person or studying abroad.

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Dartmouth student studying in the library

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Research Assistance

Research Assistance

Your Subject Librarian
Contact a subject librarian for help with any topic or subject area. There's a librarian for each of the areas of study at Dartmouth; we can help you plan your research project and navigate the library's resources. 

Choose an available appointment time to meet with a librarian to discuss your paper or research assignment. Let us know how we can help!

Research Guides
Get started on your research with one of these library guides.

Manage Your References
Struggling with evaluating and citing sources? Learn How. This guide will help you get started with two useful tools for citing and managing references: Zotero and Mendeley.

Jay Satterfield Dartmouth librarian


Living Off-Campus?
Be sure to install and run the GlobalProtect VPN for full access to the Library's electronic resources. No time to download software? Just use the resource links that are embedded in the library catalog or one of the research guides. You may be prompted to login using your netID, but there is no need to download software.

Course Reserves
Required course materials are available for a short-term loan in Baker-Berry Library or online. Print and electronic books are organized by course name (for example, from Library Search, choose Course Reserves from the dropdown box and enter ANTH.009). Scanned materials are available through your course Canvas site.

Media Collections and Equipment Loans
The Jones Media Center offers an extensive range of movies, television series, documentaries, educational programs, and historic sound recordings. You can also borrow tech gear for media or technology projects - everything from video, audio, and photography equipment to Arduino and Raspberry Pi kits.

Request Items from the Depository
Some older and low-use materials are housed at the Dartmouth Library Depository off-site. You can request for anything in the DLD to be delivered to Baker-Berry Library - just use Interlibrary Loan. Shorter items like journal articles and book chapters will be scanned and sent to your Interlibrary Loan account.

Discover Materials Beyond Dartmouth's Collections
Not in Hanover and need a library book - and it's not available online? Use to find items in libraries near you. Access to libraries and materials depends on local practices. Contact each library directly for more information.


How do I borrow a book or other materials?
Come to the Baker-Berry Circulation Desk to check out materials that you found on the shelf, a course reserve item, or to pick up something you requested from another library. Don't forget your Dartmouth ID, it's required!

Borrow Materials from Other Libraries
You can easily request books, journal articles, and other materials that aren't available at Dartmouth. Learn more about borrowing and requesting from other libraries.

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